Television truly is in a wonderful age of specificity. I mean, you can just flick through the channels until you find something that’s exactly what you want to watch, or just find something else from the massive catchup library.
Yesterday I felt like watching a show where people name parts of boats, so I tuned into ‘Name That Boat Part and Where It’s From!’, the exciting show where people name parts of boats and where they’re from. Sometimes they make them stick their hands through a wall so they can’t see the boat part, but that doesn’t matter to these incredible boat boffins. My favourite at the moment is a guy called Jay, who can name pretty much anything. I watched him stick his hands through the wall and touch certain parts of an outboard motor, and he instantly said “Outboard motor, fitted in Melbourne!”
Such talent! They always have post-show interviews where the contestants explain their reasoning, and he said that Melbourne’s outboard motor services are just a bit different, which was how he was able to tell without even looking. Well, that makes sense!
A lot of people think ‘Name That Boat Part and Where It’s From!’ is getting a bit old, especially since we’re into season 37 and the writers much surely be running out of ideas for anchor winches and outboard motors, but I disagree. Boats and their various parts are simply timeless. They’re always great, not just for boating, but for naming on television shows, because that it a thing, and it makes sense, really.
It’s a very specific idea, and you wouldn’t think that many people would be into it, and you’d be right, but I love me some boat parts. Maybe one day I’ll be on the show, and I’ll pick up an anchor winch, and I’ll confident say “well, this has to be one of those anchor winches fitted in Melbourne, because I said so, and reasons.”
I’ve watched the show enough to be a professional.